Friday, April 20, 2012

My VT Opener 2012

I had been waiting for opening day in VT with mixed say the least. I was nervous to see what the river looked like after the flood last fall - where are the fish? are there many fish? did the bugs leave? are the (few) spots I know still there? 

I did not spend much time on the river last fall after the flood. I surveyed the river at the site of a

Between Two Ferns Friday 4/20/2012

Happy Friday!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Get me this hat!

This is the definition of a bad ass trucker hat.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The North Platte is Fishing Well

Well, here is somewhere I wish I was right now...
AB and his Dad having some pretty solid luck out in Casper...wish I was there.

Between Two Ferns Friday 4/13/2012

Natalie Portman.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New SWVT Trout Unlimited Website is LIVE!

Many thanks to Tyler Atkins for getting this up and running....

(click the photo for link)

Thursday, April 05, 2012

I found this quite a while ago...posted here so I remember where it is...good shit.

It's not drinkable, but that's what is good about it.

Baseball Season!

Yeah, it's baseball season and the intertubes are full of gems like this one...
I guess it's spring now...

F3T Coming to Manchester, VT!

Hosted by Orvis

Where: Arkell Pavilion, Southern Vermont Arts Center
930 SouthernVermontArtsCtr Dr. Manchester, VT
When: Saturday, June 2nd 6:30pm (doors at 5:30)

Come, and get a free $25 Orvis coupon!

Buy tickets at the Orvis Flagship store in Manchester, VT

Monday, April 02, 2012

New York State Opener 2012

This being the first blog entry in a very, very long time; I figure it to be relatively suiting that this is a story about my first day on the water this season for the New York trout opener. My buddy Shawn and I planned to fish a stretch that we had figured to be about a six hour float. Most people don't float this stretch of river, and it proved to be a wise move as every inch of river that could be accessed by foot, was. From the state line to our put-in there were throngs of fisherman lining the banks every place you could see the river from the road. We heard later that some buddies had to head significantly further downstream than planned to find open water. So, we decided to start relatively early (meet at 8:30 to be on the water at 9:30). This timing would put us home early to happy wives. This being April Fool's day and all,